Riddle Me Shrewdly

If you've shrewdly derived the answer, click on the title and leave it below.

Through all the money quickly me,

And soon you've got none left, shrewdly

You put some in your pocket, now a hole

Or just the smell of rubber, roll

Away fast spin the disc; migration

Onto it of information.

'You can't through money.'
'You can me through.'
'Is it like throughing money away?'
'In a way.'


Riddle Answer A Burn


Riddle Explanation

through all the money quickly me, and soon you've got none left - to burn through money.

shrewdly you put some in your pocket, now a hole - money burns a hole in one's pocket.

or just the smell of rubber, roll away fast - to burn rubber.

spin the disc; migration onto it of information - to burn a disc, to record information onto an optical disc.