Riddle Me Deep

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Not at the start but in, the deep

Requires not a crawl or creep,

But run with the whole band aboard,

Agree together in accord,

But you afford too much you snake,

You weasel, to my end, a lake!

'What does it mean to agree in a cord? How do I climb into a cord?'
'Not in a cord, in accord, together.'
'Not just me in a cord? We have to get into a cord together? Blimey'.


Riddle Answer A Jump


Riddle Explanation

not at the start but in, the deep - to jump into the deep end.

requires not a crawl or creep, but run - to take a running jump.

run with the whole band aboard, agree together in accord - jump on the band wagon.

but you afford too much you snake, you weasel, to my end, a lake! - go jump in a lake!