Riddle Me Scum

If you have waded through the scum and come out with the answer, click on the title.

Everything that goes to me will come

For good get good and scum get scum,

For everything is crashing, I

Will find a work me if one's sly

And if there is a group of boys upon a beach that sing;

They get this thing.

'I hope everything does come to me.'
'What about a cold?'
'I'll give that to you as always.'


Riddle Answer Around


Riddle Explanation

everything that goes to me will come for good get good and scum get scum - what goes around, comes around.

for everything is crashing, I - for everything to be crashing around you.

will find a work me if one's sly - a workaround.

and if there is a group of boys upon a beach that sing; they get this thing - I Get Around, the Beach Boys' first number-one charting song in the United States.