Riddle Me Dangerous

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Primarily, well I spell danger,

Treat me like you would a stranger;

Far, and be on me alert

And run, quick past the light you skirt, 

I'll spot you, for all that you planned;

You'll find I'm on your hand.

'You spell 'danger'? So you're an average speller really. It's not like danger is a difficult word to spell, it's not an 'accommodate' or a 'receive'. Not even a 'writing'. In fact, you shouldn't be proud of spelling 'danger' at all, I spell 'trouble' and you don't see me making any bother over it.'


Riddle Answer (The Colour) Red


Riddle Explanation
primarily, well I spell danger - red is a primary colour.

be on me alert - to be on red alert.

and run, quick past the light you skirt - to run a red light.

I'll spot you, for all that you planned; you'll find I'm on your hand - to be caught red handed.