Riddle me baby, this is crazy, click the title and comment maybe
I'm like a baby, with no eyes,
From fear, from joy, from great surprise
You jump, startled and off you slank,
A quiet me right to the bank.
I'm grown and want it all but can't, so maybe,
I'm a baby.
'A baby with no eyes? Creepy!'
'What about a baby carrot?'
'A baby carrot would be creepy with eyes.'
'What about a potato?'
'I also prefer them without eyes.'
Riddle Answer A Cry
Riddle Explanation
I'm like a baby - to cry like a baby.
with no eyes - to cry your eyes out.
a quiet me right to the bank - to cry all the way to the bank.
I'm grown and want it all but can't, so maybe, I'm a baby - to be a cry-baby.