Have any suggestions for this wretch of a riddle? Click the title and comment.
Me you say, you don't know me,
I'm one, but which? Your choice is free,
Your pick, but if you think just so
Believe in that and me, you know
You think I'm calmly clear, a rut;
I'm but.
'This is a wretched riddle.'
'Did I not say just that?'
'Well at least give us a hint!'
'Hmm, well ok. Je pense, donc je suis; I am only not nothing.'
'Well that's worse than no hint.'
Riddle Answer Anything
Riddle Explanation
me you say - anything you say.
you don't know me - you don't know anything.
but if you think just so believe in that and me, you know - if you believe that, you'll believe anything.
you think I'm calmly clear, a rut; I'm but - to be anything but.