Riddle Me Absurd

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I'm clean, and ring a pristine cheep,

Though vulgar like a wolf to sheep,

And though I'm best, without me do,

Use digits none, not one, but two.

It's time to celebrate, so cheers, it pours,

Wet yours.

'Wowee, that's a cracker.'
'It's an absolute beaut. If only from this distance I could tell it so.' 


Riddle Answer A Whistle


Riddle Explanation
I'm clean - to be as clean as a whistle.

though vulgar like a wolf to sheep - a wolf whistle.

use digits none, not one, but two - whistle either with only the mouth or with two fingers in the mouth.

it's time to celebrate, so cheers, it pours, wet yours - to wet one's whistle, or have a drink.