Woodblock-print Cat II


Stage two in the same illustration process, adding shading and preliminary details. 

Riddle Me Accordingly

If the answer is accordingly in your mind, press the title and deliver is below.

swirls (blog 206 - header).jpg

My place is here, so act accordingly

I'm done like nobody

Could fathom all this effort put

Is just to show me break a foot,

To run around my constant state, thereby I gush;

the state of being rather rushed.

swirls (blog 206 - footer).jpg

'My place is here? Well that sounds good, so is yours, so come here to me.'
'I can't reach.'


Riddle Answer A Business


Riddle Explanation
my place is here, so act accordingly - someone's place of business.

I'm done like nobody could fathom all this effort put - to do something like nobody's business.

is just to show me break a foot - that's show business.

the state of being rather rushed - busi-ness.

Woodblock-print Cat


Some of the process for one of the larger cat pieces based on Japanese woodblock printed ukiyoe. More on my Instagram account at jack_brutus_penny

Riddle Me Split

If you're split on the solution, click on the title and leave both thoughts below.

swirls (blog 250 - header).jpg

You take one me, I'm into it,

And judge within a second split,

I'm down, for all your intense blows

Have left me spread beneath your nose,

Who knows? Perhaps from this good things collide,

So I am on the brighter side.

swirls (blog 250 - footer).jpg

'I'd certainly not be into you taking one me.'
'Why's that?'
'Well, I've only one to begin with. I'd be left with nothing.'


Riddle Answer A Look


Riddle Explanation
you take one me, I'm into it, and judge within a second split - to take a look at something. Also, to look into an issue.

I'm down, for all your intense blows

have left me spread beneath your nose - to look down one's nose.

perhaps from this good things collide, so I am on the brighter side - look on the bright side.

Cats on Line

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A few more from the cat series being created for Line stickers. 'Alert'

Riddle Me Key

If the key is clear, click on the title and leave the solution below.

swirls (blog 248 - header).jpg

Things may come and go from me,

But I sit still my name's the key

I know where I belong, it's mine,

For I was firstly here assigned,

And find that I'm in love, though she won't take my bridal wreath;

For I'm beneath.

swirls (blog 248 - footer).jpg

'So what exactly can your name open?'
'Nothing, it is not that kind of key, unless we say it opens your mind.'
'Gosh, that sounds painful.'


Riddle Answer A Station


Riddle Explanation
I sit still my name's the key - to be stationary.

I know where I belong, it's mine - to know one's station.

for I was firstly here assigned - to station someone, somewhere.

I'm in love, though she won't take my bridal wreath; for I'm beneath - to marry beneath one's station.

Cats on Line

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A few more from the cat series being created for Line stickers. 'Doubtful'.

Riddle Me Terrible

If you're terribly good at finding the answer, then push the title and drop it below.

How terrible it was you did

Like I would, devastation-mid

The city in and out a dash

Like me you're gone through in a flash,

A clap, the crowds of people banter, barter, trade all day

While in my bay.

'Devastation-mid? Surely that would mean either going to sea or being a dog!'
'This perhaps is more so for more soandsos.'


Riddle Answer A Bomb


Riddle Explanation
how terrible it was you did like I would, devastation-mid - to bomb something, to flunk or fail terribly.

the city in and out a dash like me you're gone through in a flash - to go like a bomb or to bomb through a place, to move very quickly.

a clap, the crowds of people banter, barter, trade all day while in my bay - Bombay is the second largest city in India after Calcutta, just of the Arabian Sea.

The Tattler

One of the many illustrations in the In Truth Stories publication now available. Full of whimsical stories and lovely illustrations - pick up your copy from our website shop page!

Riddle Me Sea

If you've taken to sea the answer, then press the title and observe it below.

I'm on the vessel on the sea,

To clear me you must move quickly

But lounge, relax upon my chair

Don't sit but you may lay right there,

Or stand binoculars in hand

Observing me observing land.

'I would also never go to sea.'
'Whyever not?'
'I hate the water.'
'But you went with the Owl.'


Riddle Answer A Deck


Riddle Explanation
I'm on the vessel on the sea - a ship's deck.

to clear me you must move quickly - to clear the deck or get out the way and prepare for action.

but lounge, relax upon my chair don't sit but you may lay right there - a deckchair.

or stand binoculars in hand observing me observing land - an observation deck.


Some of the MyBaby Line stickers that come with the personalised images of your baby.

Riddle Me Bred

If you've been bred to answer this riddle, then select the title and leave your legacy below.

You live on me you're born and bred,

To find it first go one ahead,

But in me and you're paper flat,

You've been around me, fancy that

You left and now you're back but since you did

Came a new kid.

'I think that's a good life philosophy.'
'What is?'
'To find it first go one ahead.'
'Lucky it's not in me and you're paper flat.'


Riddle Answer A Block


Riddle Explanation
you live on me you're born and bred - a housing block.

to find it first go one ahead - in directions, especially in the US where cities follow a more grid-like plan, go straight ahead one block.

but in me and you're paper flat - a block of flats.

you've been around me, fancy that - to have been around the block, or romantically experienced.

you left and now you're back but since you did came a new kid - the new kid on the block.

MyBaby Rayden

This is the first set of personalised stickers that I created. If you would like your own baby, grandchild, or even pet (series coming soon) made into a Line sticker set then contact me!

Riddle Me Dog

If you're panting and pawing to comment then touch the title and do so below.

Well done, now you've become my dog,

So pay my dollar, go whole hog,

A scratch or little mark, a splotch,

Yet best of all if with my notch

So off the part that can't think deeply, tread

Still in the head.

'I would never become a dog! Foul beasts.'
'In all our days we are all at some points dogs, no doubt.'
'How absurd. I surely will never be.'


Riddle Answer Top


Riddle Explanation
well done, now you've become my dog - to be top dog.

so pay my dollar, go whole hog - to be top dollar.

a scratch or little mark, a splotch,

Yet best of all if with my notch - top-notch.

so off the part that can't think deeply, tread still in the head - off the top of one's head.

Samurai Cats

This is the first sketch of another Line application sticker set - based on my original samurai cat series.

Riddle Me Last

If at last you've found the answer, press the title to give it below.

I'm done to many things at last,

To the first bottle went down fast,

To the main lights and focus view,

To time as there's nothing to do

About it, near it, closing in

For I may be a mortal sin.

'Are you also done to cork screws? And fountain pens?'
'I'm done to many things, but not them. Though what the cork holds or the nib flows perhaps.'


Riddle Answer A Kill


Riddle Explanation
to the first bottle went down fast - to kill the bottle, or to drink it all up.

to the main lights and focus view - to kill the lights, or turn the lights off.

to time as there's nothing to do - to kill time or to have time to kill.

about it, near it, closing in for I - to close in for the kill.

for I may be a mortal sin - according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church murder is a mortal sin, though, unless avoidable or without proportionate reason, accidental killing is not.

Views of Somewhere VI

The last set of the Line sticker series that I'll share here - the village in the tree.

Riddle Me Sacrifice

If you are ready to sacrifice your ideas to us, then click on the title and do so below.

I come both good, a sacrifice,

And bad, and black as plummet prices

Crash into a shore deserted,

As you find a tribe perverted,

Take me to your side, take of your suit,

Today a casual commute.

'Oh no, I certainly don't like sacrifices. Why would that be good?'
'It is often a good thing to make sacrifice. You should know that as you welcome prey.'


Riddle Answer Friday


Riddle Explanation
I come both good, a sacrifice - Good Friday is the Friday before Easter in the Christian calendar that signifies the crucifixion of Christ.

and bad, and black as plummet prices crash - Black Friday, a day of economic catastrophe. Coined from market collapse in 1869 when Jay Gould and James Fisk tried to corner the gold market.

crash into a shore deserted, as you find a tribe perverted, take me to your side - a main character in Daniel Defoe's novel Robinson Crusoe, and the origin of the phrase Man Friday, a reliable man-servant.

girl Friday, an efficient and loyal female assistant in reference the Man Friday.

take of your suit, today a casual commute - casual Friday, a day at work where casual attire may be worn.

Views of Somewhere III

The part of the set in space - where the man on the moon lives with the rabbit that pounds rice.

Riddle Me Beasts

If you've a ferociously good idea, then stomp of the title and scrawl it below.

A time to marry Scottish beasts,

To Odin dedicate the feasts

The time the planet closest sun

Or star that's filled with waters run

The Japanese know it the same,

All this is in my name.

'What's in a name?'
'A huge amount, especially if you take the name from different tongues!'


Riddle Answer Wednesday


Riddle Explanation
a time to marry Scottish beasts - wed nes, or Ness, day.

to Odin dedicate the feasts the time the planet closest sun - from Old English Wōdnesdæg or day of Woden or Odin, a borrowed translation from dies Mercurii, day of Mercury. The Germanic God Odin was interpreted as Mercury.

or star that's filled with waters run the Japanese know it the same - in Japanese suiyoibi means water day, as Mercury is the water star.